
Consider giving as much as you can, but not too much so that your Significant Other finds out and insists we give the money back. You can buy multiples of each option if you are feeling generous.

The “Thom Needs a Break from the Podcast”

Putting up with the other two takes its toll you know. £100 in a single week means Thom gets to leave the podcast in the very incapable hands of Andy and Javvad for that same week.


The Langford

Anti-ageing cream costs money you know


The Agnes

Those Haribo ain’t gonna fun themselves, you know.


The Malik

This lifestyle needs funds.


I Love You All The Same

You guys are awesome…! (But Thom is my favourite.)


I Support The (F)arts

You guys are idiots, Here’s a pound, now go away, please.
